Monday, July 25, 2011

Magazine and Newspaper Collection in a Nook

various e-book readers. From right to left iPa...Image via WikipediaI have watched as others bought Nooks, Kindles and other ebook readers for the library, remaining cautiously on the sidelines, waiting for better products and a budget for their purchase. Now I finally have a workable idea as I'm planning the new library for New Tech High School. My new plan is a small collection of Nooks dedicated primarily to Newspaper and Magazine reading. I'm just now exploring the details of this plan, but here are my thoughts on its advantages over other options.

  1. The physical magazine/newspaper collection can be eliminated, allowing for a more open library and more efficient use of space.
  2. Since magazines and newspapers are meant for shorter reading periods, the loan period for the devices can be short-term and for library use only. With an ebook collection a user would naturally want the device for a much longer time, making it unavailable to other library users.
  3. The magazine and newspaper collection could be adjusted very easily and at low cost during the course of the year. Generally, print periodical orders need to be complete in the preceding school year, and additions in the current year are generally are dependent on donations.
  4. Library users would be introduced to the e-reader formats and be allowed to easily participate in online discussions related to their interest.
The only downside of this plan that I can think of would be that some teachers accustomed to using print periodicals in their instruction would be disappointed. I would appreciate any feedback, especially on those with experience with ereaders in the library.
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